
Solving Problem 96 of Project Euler

In this blog post, I discuss solving Sudoku puzzles with programming, specifically the problem statement from Project Euler to solve 50 Sudoku puzzles using computer algorithms. I introduce the rules of Sudoku, explain how to approach the problem by creating a Sudoku class in Python, and implement various techniques to solve the puzzles. I include code snippets and performance comparisons between different methods. Finally, I present the final solution to the Project Euler problem and share some thoughts on the overall experience.

What is Project Euler

Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems.

Problem 96

Problem 96 was published on 27th May 2005, has been solved by 16,381 users and has a difficulty rating of 25%.

What a Su Doku puzzle is

Su Doku (Japanese meaning number place) is the name given to a popular puzzle concept. Its origin is unclear, but credit must be attributed to Leonhard Euler who invented a similar, and much more difficult, puzzle idea called Latin Squares. The objective of Su Doku puzzles, however, is to replace the blanks (or zeros) in a 9 by 9 grid in such that each row, column, and 3 by 3 box contains each of the digits 1 to 9. Below is an example of a typical starting puzzle grid and its solution grid.

Su Doku puzzle unsolved

Su Doku puzzle solved

The Problem

The problem is quite simple to understand. There is a 6K text file (sudoku.txt), which contains fifty different Su Doku puzzles ranging in difficulty, but all with unique solutions (the first puzzle in the file is the example above).By solving all fifty puzzles find the sum of the 3-digit numbers found in the top left corner of each solution grid; for example, 483 is the 3-digit number found in the top left corner of the solution grid above.

Note: You can find Problem 96 to solve it yourself here.

The Solution

Solving a Su Doku

The libraries I am using

from numpy import zeros
from urllib.request import urlopen

Making the grid where every puzzle will be stored

Here is were I use the first library (numpy, zeros) that helps me to create a 9*9 grid where every puzzle will be stored.

grid = zeros(shape=(9, 9))

How to find the next empty cell to fill

There are two loops that scan the grid start where the last cell was, if it’s the first time it starts from the first cell of the grid.

Empty cells are marked with a 0.

def findNextCellToFill(grid, i, j):
    for x in range(i, 9):
        for y in range(j, 9):
            if grid[x][y] == 0:
                return x, y
    return -1, -1

Finding which number is correct for the selected cell

First, I check if the selected n number is valid in the row its cell is placed, and then if it is true, we check the column. Finally if that is also true we check the number exist in another cell in its inner smaller box. I use the all() script because it returns a boolean result of (true/false).

def isValid(grid, i, j, n):
    if all([n != grid[i][x] for x in range(9)]):
        if all([n != grid[x][j] for x in range(9)]):
            X0, Y0 = 3 * (i // 3), 3 * (j // 3)
            for x in range(X0, X0 + 3):
                for y in range(Y0, Y0 + 3):
                    if grid[x][y] == n:
                        return False
            return True
    return False

Solving the Sudoku itself

In order to solve the puzzle, I use recursion by testing every number from [1/10] if it is valid in every empty cell.

def solveSudoku(grid, i=0, j=0):
    i, j = findNextCellToFill(grid, i, j)
    if i == -1:
        return True # If there is no next cell.
    for n in range(1, 10):
        if isValid(grid, i, j, n):
            grid[i][j] = n
            if solveSudoku(grid):
                return True # If Su Doku is solved.
            grid[i][j] = 0
    return False # This is were recursion happens.

Equipping solver to the problem

Finally, this is the last block of code, and it’s were I use the second library (urlopen), which gives me the ability to open the text file with the fifty puzzles without downloading it to my system, thus of course it works in any system. The only difference in Python 3 is that the lines of the file have to be decoded in order to use them properly. The idea behind this is that because every grid in the file is numbered (for example: Grid 01), Every time it passes one like that line (except the first time), it knows that the nine previous line make the previous grid, so then is solves it and then finds the result. Otherwise, when it encounters a “normal” grid line, it inserts it to the grid in order to be solved. With this method, the program is able to solve every Su Doku grid except the last one, cause there is no line “Grid 51” in order to be calculated. To solve this I thought that the simplest solution is to check every “normal” line if it equals with the last line of the file, and if it does it calculates the last Su Doku grid.

file = urlopen("https://projecteuler.net/project/resources/p096_sudoku.txt")
count, result = 0, 0
for line in file:
    line = line.decode('utf-8')
    if line[0] == 'G':
        if count != 0: # It doesn't allow for line "Grid 01" to calculate a grid.
            count = 0 # It resets every time a grid is calculated.
            result += 100 * grid[0][0] + 10 * grid[0][1] + grid[0][2]
        for i in range(9):
            grid[count][i] = int(line[i]) # In order to solve the grid, it must contain integers and not characters.
        count += 1
        if line == "000008006": # The last line of the file.
            result += 100 * grid[0][0] + 10 * grid[0][1] + grid[0][2]


In the end, knowing the speed of Python and wanting to make a easy to understand by anyone program, and not the quickest possible, the program takes ~2 minutes to calculate the result.

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